October 25, 2021
We are excited to announce that the 2nd 9-weeks PBIS reward for middle school will be a regular season MS Boys Basketball game vs Moorefield during the school day. Only MS studen...

October 22, 2021
Order Now for the Lowest Price of the Year!
Online orders are being taken now for the 2021-2022 PHS Yearbook. If you order online by Oct. 29, 2021 you will pay ...

October 22, 2021
Thanks to SBCTC, live streaming and on-demand viewing is available for this Saturday's (Oct 23 at 1:15pm) PVC Cheerleading & Dance Competition. Let's Go Vikings! Div 2: https:/...

October 20, 2021
Yearbooks for Lowest Price of the Year!
Online orders are being taken now for the 2021-2022 PHS Yearbook. If you order online by Oct. 29, 2021 you will pay only $62 and...

October 14, 2021
Flex practices for both boys and girls HS/MS basketball will start Oct 18th. If interested in playing, please let Mr. Gray or Mrs. Campbell know ASAP so they can get you in contac...

October 14, 2021
Attention winter athletes, parents, and guardians:
Before you are cleared to participate this winter, you will need to register on FamilyID where you can upload all the necessa...

October 11, 2021
Eastern WV Community & Technical College has announced their schedule for in-person financial aid workshops for seniors and their parents/guardians. PHS students are invited to p...

October 7, 2021
Click here to read the PHS October Newsletter.

October 5, 2021
Orders are now being taken for the 2021-2022 PHS Yearbook. If you order online by Oct. 29, 2021 you will pay only $62 and receive 4 FREE icons. Paper order forms wil...

October 4, 2021
The PHS Class of 2024 will be hosting a Halloween Da nce on Friday, October 29 th from 6-8pm . All 7 th and 8 th grade Petersburg High School students are invited to att...
October 4, 2021
Spread the word - the Dig Pink is this Thursday, Oct 7th beginning at 6pm at MHS! MHS and PHS volleyball teams are working together for a wonderful cause!! Various baskets from a ...

September 30, 2021
Did you know that GCS has an app? You can easily follow all the news about PHS with the GCS app by selecting PHS under the schools tab. On the app you will find our school calendar...
September 29, 2021
Strawbridge Studios will be at PHS on Oct. 6th to take school pictures for grades 7-11. Families can order online using the following link: Order Form
This link will allow...
September 29, 2021
Attention Parents/Guardian of Seniors:
A Virtual FAFSA workshop ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will be held tomorrow, Thursday, at 6:00.
• Live webinar...

September 25, 2021

September 24, 2021
Students/parents should be aware of the following things pertaining to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 25. Doors will open at 8 PM and you will be checked in before yo...
September 15, 2021
Strawbridge Studios will be at PHS on Oct. 6th to take school pictures for grades 7-11. Families can order online using the following link: Order Form This link will allow p...

September 10, 2021
Grant Co residents are admitted to PHS regular season home athletic events free when they show their official GCS Athletic Pass. PHS families may pick theirs up at the school offi...

September 10, 2021
The PBIS Reward Day for the 1st 9 weeks will be Friday, Oct. 15th. Students will have a choice of going to the new gym for Ultimate Ball or going to the old gym for games & craft...

September 2, 2021
There will be no games this week, August 30 - Sept 6, due to the number of quarantines at PHS. Practices will continue as scheduled. Game schedules will be updated as soon as we...